Library for sending some data to Machinist, this module exports class Machinist
Machinist class (extends Record class)
Usage example
let machinist = require('file path to this machinist.js');
let machinist = new Machinist({
agent: "agent_something",
apiKey: "xxxxxxxxxx",
batchQuantity: 1,
format: (datas)=>{
let metrics = [];
let timestamp = Math.floor(data.timestamp / 1000);
name: "a",
namespace: "namespace_somethig",
data_point: {value: data.a, timestamp: timestamp}});
name: "b",
namespace: "namespace_somethig",
data_point: {value: data.b, timestamp: timestamp}});});
return {
agent: "agent_something",
metrics: metrics
machinist.write({a: 1, b: 2, timestamp: new Date.getTime()});
Constructor & Method
- argument is one object
{ agent: string, apiKey: string, batchQuantity: number, (option, default 1) format: function }
method- argument is one object
{ key0: any key1: any key2: any ... timestamp: number (unix time) }
- return a Promise object
- resolve nothing
- reject error object
Machinist リクエストのフォーマットが不正です
Machinist 認証に失敗しました
Machinist リソース利用上限数に達しています
Machinist リクエストボディのパラメータに問題があります
Machinist 単位時間あたりの送信回数が規定値を超えています
- valiable errors (?)
Machinist response status is ?, body is ?
Machinist http request is not responsed, timeouted
- valiable errors (?)
Machinist http request error: ?
format function in constructor argument
Like above sample, argument of format
function, datas
is an array (this is internal stocks of which from write
method argument), and format
function return object of agent
and metrics
format: (datas)=>{
let metrics = [];
let timestamp = Math.floor(data.timestamp / 1000);
name: "a",
namespace: "namespace_somethig",
data_point: {value: data.a, timestamp: timestamp}});
name: "b",
namespace: "namespace_somethig",
data_point: {value: data.b, timestamp: timestamp}});});
return {
agent: "agent_something",
metrics: metrics